About Us

Empowering Women to Own Their Strengths and Live Boldly

Here is the first thing we want you to know about us: it’s not about us. This work is all about YOU and collective us. It’s about advancing and accelerating women leadership. What matters most is helping YOU tap into your personal power to succeed in every situation. At Own Your Color, we are deeply committed to empowering women to embrace their unique strengths and live life boldly. Our mission is to provide a supportive platform where women can tap into their personal power, overcome limiting beliefs, and design lives filled with purpose and passion.

We firmly believe in the transformative power of self-discovery and self-acceptance. By acknowledging and owning your unique strengths, you not only empower yourself but also inspire others around you. This ripple effect of empowerment can lead to profound positive change, both at an individual and collective level.

Our approach is rooted in the understanding that every woman possesses a unique set of strengths and abilities. We encourage women to own these strengths, to wear them proudly like a vibrant color that makes them stand out. This act of owning one’s color symbolizes self-acceptance, confidence, and the courage to live authentically.

We also recognize the power of collective growth. When women come together in support of each other’s journeys, it creates an environment of mutual growth and empowerment. This collective empowerment can be a powerful catalyst for change, leading to more equitable societies where every woman has the opportunity to thrive.

At Own Your Color, we are not just about individual growth; we are about building a community of strong, empowered women who are ready to make their mark on the world. So join us on this journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Let us own our colors together and create a vibrant tapestry of empowered women.

Our Vision

We envision a world where all women live authentically, recognize their self-worth, fearlessly pursue their dreams, find fulfillment, and empower others.

Every woman deserves the freedom to be her best self. Our programs guide women on journeys of self-discovery to make this vision a reality by helping them:

  • Live authentically, standing out instead of fitting in
  • Recognize their self-worth and capabilities
  • Fearlessly pursue their biggest dreams
  • Find fulfillment in all aspects of life
  • Uplift and empower others to do the same

Ready to Flourish?

Don’t downsize your dreams – embrace them! I share proven mentoring and strategies to help you:

  • Know your motivations and live your purpose
  • Develop habits and skills to thrive
  • Achieve work-life balance and joy
  • Become a leader who empowers others

Imagine pursuing your wildest dreams while enjoying harmony in all facets of your life. Let’s talk today!

Free Tools to Unlock Your Potential